Thursday, September 5, 2013

Presbyterian ‘Church’ USA Rejects Popular Worship Song for Hymnal Over Lyrics Citing ‘Wrath of God’

This story is just a continuation of those who pervert and water down the gospel message. 

The wrath of God is poured out on sin.  Why?  God who is holy and perfect is the Creator of mankind.  Man who was created in God's image is separated from God because of sin and disobedience. God's plan for mankind is salvation. His love, mercy and grace are freely given to the sinner by the shed blood of His only Son, Jesus Christ.  The sinner is called to faith and repentance whereby God turns His wrath away from the sinner.  To reject God's perfect plan of salvation is to reject God's favor and will instead receive God's wrath and punishment. 

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."  Romans 6:23

Christian News Network
Heather Clark

One of the most popular worship songs being sung in churches around the world today has been rejected for the hymnal of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) due to the song’s lyrics that speak of the wrath of God being assuaged through Christ’s death on the cross.

The hymn at issue is In Christ Alone, penned by Keith Getty and Steward Townend. In the second verse of the song, the lyrics proclaim, “‘Til on that cross as Jesus died/The wrath of God was satisfied/For every sin on Him was laid/Here in the death of Christ I live.”